We started our video off by using an establishing shot so the setting was established in the scene and the audience knew where the film would start without anything happening for the first 1-2 seconds.
Match on Action
We then used Match on Action when Amy turned into the corridor so that we were at a different angle but the action was still happening. We also used it for continuity in our film so that the audience could follow throughout.
Shot Reverse Shot
We also used Shot Reverse Shot in our video.
We used it when Amy and George were using dialogue and so that when one character was talking, the camera was on them and when the next character spoke it then reversed and showed them. We also shot it at a over the shoulder shot as we wanted the audience to see the character when they were talking.
The 180 Degree Rule
We also used the 180 degree throughout our film. This is because we didn't want the audience to get confused between where the characters were situated in the frame and we also used it for continuity.
The feedback we received from watching our video was positive and that we had used the 3 editing techniques well in our video. Our camera-work was also good as it was steady and wasn't shaky which didn't make it look amateur or put the audience off. One thing we have learnt from this is that our lighting wasn't the best. We chose a very dark corridor and due to this, the video in these scenes doesn't look the best quality. We have learnt that we need our own light source when filming so the lighting is correct in all our scenes.
Well executed, clearly you understand how to use Match on action, Shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule..
In addition, your framing and camera movement are good, as is your use of angles. I like the framing, it is tight and you fill the frame appropriately. My only criticism would be the issue of lighting in shot 2 and 3 – it becomes a silhouette and I am not sure that you will have intended that. – Solution for next time is create lighting where necessary and to check the white balance. I think in your case, you just needed to borrow additional light. Look into using the new small portable lighting that we have purchased that uses battery power.
Really good practice Hannah - you have clearly learnt about continuity. great illustrations
ReplyDeleteTeacher comments on your preliminary
ReplyDeleteWell executed, clearly you understand how to use Match on action, Shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule..
In addition, your framing and camera movement are good, as is your use of angles. I like the framing, it is tight and you fill the frame appropriately. My only criticism would be the issue of lighting in shot 2 and 3 – it becomes a silhouette and I am not sure that you will have intended that. – Solution for next time is create lighting where necessary and to check the white balance. I think in your case, you just needed to borrow additional light. Look into using the new small portable lighting that we have purchased that uses battery power.