- 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our Thriller opening includes these conventions of a thriller as there is little dialogue which makes tension build up as the sequence goes on. Also over egaratted sound effects help to over empathasize on certain object which could be significant further on in the story line. Also we included a flashback into our thriller piece which helps create a mystery as you don't know any detail about the story or what the flashback has to do with the story so far. Another thing that we used which is a convention of a thriller in our opening is camera work, such as over the shoulder shot and close up so that the viewer can clearly see the characters reaction and facial expression.
2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?
I feel our media thriller opening represents particular social groups such as families, as our main characters shows a strong relationship between mother and a daughter as they have a very common bond to each other. An example of this would when the daughter character shows the mum her painting of them together and the mother then praises her to show that she cares for her.Also when the daughter has a flashback of her mum and her in the park, while her mum is pushing her on the swings suggest a that she is a traditional caring mother. Also the costumes worn throughout the sequence makes our characters come across to the viewer as being quite middle class as they are both wearing quite classy clothes, especially the daughter who is wearing an evening dress. Which comes across as being quite formal and upperclass for just a normal day out to the park. However our thriller also could represent a single mother and we know this because throughout this sequence there is no mentio of a 'father' figure. Another reason why we know this is because when the daughter paints the mother a picture she doesn't paint a dad figure.
- 3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
- 4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

- 5.How did you attract/address your audience?

Audience feedback here: ______________________________________
- 6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
7.Looking back at your prelim task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back at our prelim task i feel i have learned loads more as we personally have progressed over time to now where we have produced a thriller opening sequence. Probably from producing a more successful story board in a short amount of time however i still think that alot of planning still went into it.
Although our first thriller opening did cause some problems with location, and camera settings i feel we have learnt from out mistakes taken it on board with us and in a way we've had more experience as we know what went wrong and we have corrected it so if it happens again we know how to solve it.
Although our first thriller opening did cause some problems with location, and camera settings i feel we have learnt from out mistakes taken it on board with us and in a way we've had more experience as we know what went wrong and we have corrected it so if it happens again we know how to solve it.
We've also progressed in a way that our camera work has more match on action and shot reverse shot compared to our prelim.
As well as our editing skills such as transitions between shots.
Overall i feel we succeeded with out task which was to create an thriller opening which was no longer than 2 minutes that had a unique story line.
Beth not enough here. You will only be around level one low level 2 with this. I have written comments - see me in my office tomorrow to pick these up please.