Draft Evaluation
By Amy Beckwith
- 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
- The first and second picture we used the thriller convention of flash backs which help with mystery and enigma. As it lets the character go back in time and see what happened in the past either to answer a question within the plot or make the audience ask questions about what they just saw. We wanted to use this as it meant we could explain the story through memory's so the film would not have to be filmed over a large length of time. Thriller films that use this are marchlands.
- The third and fourth picture show the thriller convention of empathy for characters as we used a little girl for our main character which came across as a innocent, sweet and happy child we found inspiration for this character in films such as marchlands, hide and seek and dark water. We also implied that the young girl is a protagonist as a convention of thrillers are that their are protagonists and antagonists, we also restricted narrative on the viewers information about the opening as people don't know who the characters are and what happened to the mother. We used a extreme close up shot on the child's face when she was crying to make the audience focus on her emotion and help create empathy.
- In the fifth, sixth and seventh picture we used the thriller convention of point of view shots which show the viewers what the character is seeing but also builds a larger connection with that character and the people around them as you are seeing the characters through the actors eyes and you see first hand their experiences. We wanted this because we wanted the audience to build a relationship with the character and share emotions and feel sympathy for them.
- The eighth and ninth picture we also used the theme of a mother and daughter which is a quite commonly used theme in thrillers this is a good theme as an innocent child characters are easily empathised and sympathised with in films and also the bond between a mother and daughter is so strong and everyone can connect with that theme for example if they lost their mum of left their child. films with a mother and child theme are flight plan, dark water and pans labyrinth.

In addition our mother is constructed as a typical mother who is very caring for her child. For example when pushing her on the swing she constantly asks her if shes having fun and is pushing her from the front showing a strong connection between them as they always have eye contact. her clothes are very plain but quite formal showing that she has working side and probably a good job another indication to this is her grey hair and how she may have stressful parts in her life. But is still very caring and kind towards her daughter as shown in the scene where her daughter is painting and she praises her for her good work.
- 3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

- 4.Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for our film are people over the age of 15 and people who enjoy thrillers that focus on enigma more than action. Our film is not for people under the age of 15 as it would include a heavy complicated storyline that people under the age of 15 may not be able to understand and follow and would also include scenes of murders. Our film would be specifically targeted at people that enjoy films about a strong mother and daughter relationship and also people that like twists and to think about plots and who the antagonists in films are as our film is about how the mother character died and the young girls struggle. Our film would also include a twist that reveals that the young girl isn't as innocent as she looks.
- 5.How did you attract/address your audience?
We attract and address our audience by giving a taster of our film from the opening. Our opening opens the story line to the film and starts to make you think what's going to happen next. Our opening comes across as a mystery thriller about a girl and her mother and how her mother died. The addition of flashbacks helps the audience understand that the events have already happened and

***********************************insert feedback from viewers***************************************
- 6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Editing has also introduced us to new technologies such as using software like garage band and imovie. When editing we had to remember to used continuity which is vital other wise your film can look unprofessional and jumpy and can create the illusion of going from one room to another even if they are 1000 miles away from eachother, i also learnt that the slightest second counts when it comes to continuity editing. Pace of the film also is important as pase is what creates the calm or suspense filled atmosphere within the film.
- 7.Looking back at your prelim task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back i think that i have learned lots in progression from my preliminary task and my first film. For example i think one of the main things has been composition and framing. our framing has improved greatly through the course of our filming and i think it makes a real difference to our film. In addition our editing skills and story line has also got allot better. I have also learnt new skills like how to set the quality on cameras, how lighting can create a real difference to scenes and not only makes the picture better but changes the whole mood of the scene and how planning and timing is vital for creating a good film. I have also learnt that when filming what you see in the small screen in the camera is allot different to how it looks on the big screen. I have also learnt that it is vital to get all filming in the same place done at that time and made perfect because if you need to re film there can be problems like in our first film opening idea when we needed to re film our office scene but wasn't allowed to re film there.
There are a few things I would change about or film firstly i would like to change the lighting more between the flash backs and the present time shots as i think they are hard to distinguish between, i would like to change the title screen text so that it does not fade away again but because we used imovie instead of final cut this was not possible, in addition i would like to have changed the editing software we used to final cut instead of imovie as it would have made our film look more professional and would have made our titles better. Also i was disappointed that i couldn't use the toilet scene shot from our first trial "Scarlett" as i thought the shot was really effective. Finally one last thing i would change is the final scene of her in the bathroom as i would have liked to have added the little girl shouting "mummy whats wrong!" as she left and then letting it echo through onto the next shot.
Overall i think our film was a great success and really enjoyed filming and i think it showed some aspects of a thriller and showed many of the skills we learnt in our study such as continuity, match on action, transitions and sound bridges.
There are a few things I would change about or film firstly i would like to change the lighting more between the flash backs and the present time shots as i think they are hard to distinguish between, i would like to change the title screen text so that it does not fade away again but because we used imovie instead of final cut this was not possible, in addition i would like to have changed the editing software we used to final cut instead of imovie as it would have made our film look more professional and would have made our titles better. Also i was disappointed that i couldn't use the toilet scene shot from our first trial "Scarlett" as i thought the shot was really effective. Finally one last thing i would change is the final scene of her in the bathroom as i would have liked to have added the little girl shouting "mummy whats wrong!" as she left and then letting it echo through onto the next shot.
Overall i think our film was a great success and really enjoyed filming and i think it showed some aspects of a thriller and showed many of the skills we learnt in our study such as continuity, match on action, transitions and sound bridges.
films with similarities/ gave us inspiration


Hide and Seek

Dark water

good Amy. I have written up a full account of how you can improve. please see me tomorrow and i can give you your feedback.