Thursday 27 January 2011

anaysis of sin city ... by amy


  • in the opening scene to sin city the film is shot in long shot, 2 shots and over the shoulder shots. theses are so you can see the scene and see the characters reaction to the other persons dialogue
mise en scene 
  • both the man and woman are wearing formal fancy clothes which shows they have a high status or are quite wealthy 
  • the set of the opening is on the balcony of the high building over looking high rise buildings showing the audience that they are in a large city 
  • everything in this film is filmed in black and white except for the read on her lips and dress this helps create the comic book look of the film and gives the film a unique and dark, evil atmosphere.
  • there is very little facial expression involved in this scene which helps create the mystery of the characters. in addition to this we have no idea who the characters are which emphasises the mystery 
  • the womans clothes and makeup is very sexy, her body language being very flirtatious and  sexy and with the only colour visible being red and red being a sexy, romantic colour it suggests that this woman could be a prostitute or a very over confidant outgoing woman.
  • the lighting is dark and they use rim lighting creating a light glow around their body. in addition to this half their face is dark and half is light like in pulp fiction suggesting they have a dark side.
  • slow transitions 
  • in post production they have made everything black white and red. 
  • the diagetic sound of the womans footsteps when she is walking in heels is very over exadutated adding to the implication that she is quite slutty and sexy.
  • the dialogue in this film is not only them speaking but also the mans narrative over the top like he is telling the story  this help explains the story but on the other hand still does not give any information away
  • non diagetic sound is the sound track. the music playing is a saxophone which also supports the woman's character that we perceive.

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