Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Location & Ideas - By Ghislaine


BELOW: The Girls toilet door in the old building
  • We have chosen to use this toilet because it looks old, we have chosen an old look because the building we are using for the outside looks quite old, and 'barn' like.
  • However, because we are using an office with modern interior so it might look different and wouldn't have continuity, it could also confuse the viewer to why there are different interiors.
  • Also the wall of the girls bathroom is yellow. This is a problem because not many office's have yellow painted walls, they would normally have neutral colours, or a colour connecting to the type of  business.
  • Another problem is what the sign says on the door - Female Student Toilets. We will need to overcome the problem by finding out a way to cover it. We could use a piece of card, however it could look fake, making the audience weary, and not believe it's real.

BELOW: In The Girls Toilets - The Lights
  • Because the lights are an important feature of our thriller opening, we need to know what the lights look like, and how they turn on and off. (See Lights for more info)
  • However, we found that there is a massive vent in the ceiling, letting in a lot of natural light, so when we turn off the lights, it isn't dark enough
  • We will need to overcome this problem, either by putting a massive black card over the vent, or we will need to find out another way of taking away the natural light, so that we can make our own and change it.
BELOW: In The Girls Toilet - The Sink
  •  This is where the character will be washing their hands after they have either been to the toilet or is washing their hands because they have got them dirty.
BELOW: Me in the mirror, where the character would be standing, and where the camera would be facing
  • This is where the character will be standing whilst washing their hands
  • We have a slight problem because:
  • Firstly we might not be able to see the antagonist in one of the cubicles whilst filming the character
  • Secondly, we will have to be at an angle so that we do not film ourselves with the camera equipment - it would look unprofessional
BELOW: Washing Hands
  • This is what the character would look like when washing their hands
BELOW: Antagonist
  • This is where the antagonist will be standing when the character will be washing their hands

BELOW: Hallway
  • (See Corridor - By Hannah)

BELOW: Office Room
  • This is where the main 'thriller' happens
  • We are using Andrew Mann's office, as to which he has kindly given us to use. However, we might be filming in another office in the old building (which we need to take pictures off), so we will have to decide on which office to use
  • Even though this office is messy, it is perfect for what we are filming - a messy location.
  • However, what might be a problem is the space. Because the room isn't big, it is probably harder to film in, so we will need to find a way around that problem
BELOW: The Character meeting the antagonist
  • This is where the character and the antagonist meet for the first time, even though the character doesn't know who it is, that she is talking too. However, us as an audience will be able to see the characters expression and the antagonist
  • And again, because it isn't a very big room, we might have trouble filming everything in such limited space
BELOW: Computer Screen
  • After we have seen the character and antagonist, the camera will pan towards the computer screen. The screen will be showing a word of some sort which will link to the title. We where thinking 'Scarlet'. This is because the antagonist asks where 'Scarlet' is. This could mean anything, for example, a girl, a woman, a hardware, a memory stick. Thus leaving the audience wondering, and wanting to watch until the end, to figure out what 'Scarlet' is.
  • When we pan to the computer screen we where thinking of having the word 'Scarlet' being typed whilst still filming.

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