Thursday 3 March 2011

Filming - Hannah

  •  So these are just a few pictures of the location of our previous idea. Of course, now we are changing our idea but if that one that does not work at all then we will have our previous rushes to work with. 
  • One problem we did have when filming was natural light. We cannot control the natural night outdoors and unfortunately this affected our filming rushes. In the space of 1 hour the lighting changed from the 1st picture which was quite bright for filming to the 3rd picture at dusk where it was too dark for filming.
  • When we filmed a few scenes at dusk, the problem we had has was not only the characters and setting could be seen clearly but also the quality. The quality of rushes was very grainy in the darker scenes because we did not use any lighting of our own. It is also because we use a HD camera and the previous person who had taken out the camera had changed the settings so the quality was standard and not HD like we wanted.

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