- We have been researching different types of title sequences showing step by step anamation for an idea for our title sequence. We have come up with this idea of linking the anamation to the title of our thriller which will be called 'Alone'. The line will come up and form the letter 'L' which will then carry being made into a tree, almost as if it'd been painted.
This screen grab shows the part in the opening sequence from "catch me if you can" that we were looking at as an idea to do for our title sequence. As you can see from the video below this part is when the line forms into the main title of the film. Which we were inspired by because it's a different way of showing the title of the film.
- While we were researching different title sequences we found one from the film "Catch me if you can" which had various parts that we would like to experiment with as an idea for our title seqeunce.
good blogging!